Jun, 8, 2024
Work was fine it was kinda awkward but I lived. It was boring and I stayed really late and all that for like 26 bucks -_- whatever. The new Sonic X Shadow trailer did come out during my break I'll probably be preordering that now instead of getting the hard drive I don't even know how to get stuff from eBay anyway lol. I am really excited though it looks so much better than I imagined!! (Oh and my mom got one of my cats a new collar and a cardboard cat thing, only one cat pictured cuz he was being mean and wouldn't share)

Jun, 7, 2024
Yeah, I finally decided to make a blog for jest stuff going on in my life. I start my job today this is my first job and I am very nervous about it 0~0 but I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm excited to get my munny up though, I want to buy an internal hard drive for my Xbox 360 so I can play original Xbox games on it, like Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog! I know it would probably be cheaper to get the games for Gamecube and just buy a Gamecube controller for my Wii but my frend got me Sonic Heroes for the Xbox a while back and the Xbox 360 is just my preference.